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The European Policy Centre (EPC) is committed to sound financial management and to transparency in respect of its funding sources. In line with its mission statement, the EPC is an independent think tank and none of the financing it receives affects its independence in any way. By the same token, any financial support received for EPC activities, including publications, does not commit the funding organisations in any way and the views expressed are solely those of the authors.

The EPC's total income in 2022 was €3,297,581. The EPC ended the financial year 2022 with a small deficit of €5,022 bringing the equity capital to €1,078,509. See below under audit report for more details.

The EPC's funding sources in 2022


Approximately 30.77 % of the EPC's funding in 2022 came from grants from the following sources:

The King Baudouin Foundation, the EPC's strategic partner, awarded the EPC a grant of €350,000. 

The Stiftung Mercator awarded the EPC a grant of €362,780 for the Connecting Europe project.

EC CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values) programme: The EPC received an operating grant of €250,000 for 2022 under the CERV programme, alongside other similar think tanks and civil society organisations.

Another 23,45 % of the EPC's funding came from membership fees. In 2022, the total income from membership fees was €773,313.

The remaining funds (45.78%) came mainly from contributions from a wide range of organisations for its programmes in the form of support for events and publications. 


The EPC signed up to the European Commission's voluntary Register of interest representatives in January 2009. The EPC was the first major think tank on European Union affairs in Brussels to sign up to the register. Our decision to do so reflects our long-standing commitment to openness and transparency, demonstrated by the detailed information we already provide on our website about our financing and governance. 

The European Commission's definition of who should register states that it is for all entities engaged in "activities carried out with the objective of influencing the policy formulation and decision-making processes of the European institutions". The EPC is committed to making European integration work by promoting discussion and innovative thinking on the key challenges facing the European Union and coming up with practical policy proposals to achieve this goal. We, therefore, decided to register even though the only interest we "represent" is the interest of European integration.

By signing up to the register, the EPC and its staff commit themselves to comply with the Commission's Code of Conduct for interest representatives. Click here to consult the Code.

Should you have any questions or observations about the EPC's entry, please contact: Emma Woodford,

Our annual report provides an overview of the highlights of our activities during the previous year: 


The Governing Board is made up of non-executive directors and is responsible for the overall governance of the EPC, with day-to-day management assigned to the Chief Executive, who is accountable to the Board for his actions (in line with Belgian law). The Board, in turn, is accountable to the General Assembly. 

Click here for the annual accounts for the last financial year and the auditor's opinion. The EPC's auditor is Saskia Luteijn from L&S Registered Auditors PLC.

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