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Counter Terrorism and Violent Extremism

This project is developed by the EPC in partnership with European Foundation for Democracy (EFD: Along with an annual conference focused on counter-terrorism and the challenge of radicalisation, the project aims to promote a series of multi-stakeholder debates in Brussels, looking at the various dimensions of jihadist radicalisation and the role of the EU to tackle such emerging and alarming phenomenon.

The project began in February 2016 and is led by Amanda Paul, Senior Policy Analyst.



Terrorism & radicalisation / BOOK
The Challenge of Jihadist Radicalisation - In Europe and Beyond
By Herman Van Rompuy , Amanda Paul , Andrea Frontini , Demir Murat Seyrek , Roberta Bonazzi , and others - 22/03/2017


Deputy Head of Europe in the World Programme and Senior Policy Analyst
Turkey, Ukraine, South Caucasus, security and conflict resolution in the Black Sea, EU foreign policy in its Eastern neighbourhood, Enlargement, counter-violent extremism

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