The long-term integration of refugees who entered Europe over the last years will largely depend on their capacity to find a job. This capacity, in turn, is to a large extent determined by employers and the opportunities they offer.
This EPC project focuses on the role of employers in assisting with the integration of refugees into the European labour markets. Its main goal is to find possible ways to improve and expand EU efforts to increase refugee employment by helping EU institutions to better understand and address the obstacles that prevent employers from hiring and/or training refugees. To do so, and in order to formulate forward-looking policy recommendations, the project gathered through means of a questionnaire information about what challenges do employers in the private and public sectors face. For having a look at our findings, please check our publication "Integrating refugees into the labour market: How can the EU better support employers?"
This project is part of the EPC Programmes ‘Social Europe & Well-being’ and ‘European Migration & Diversity’.