This study for the European Parliament provides a comprehensive assessment of how the EU budget supports innovation in the current programming period and analyses the approach to innovation financing in the Commission´s MFF 2021-2027 proposals. The findings provide the basis on which to draw recommendations to maximize the use of EU innovation funding in the coming MFF. In particular, the study:
- Proposes a conceptual framework to identify amounts of EU budget in support of innovation.
- Estimates the aggregate volume of funding directly and indirectly intended to support innovation in the 2014-2020 MFF.
- Explores existing synergies between different EU sources of innovation funding, and how these contribute to the attainment of the Horizon 2020 seven societal challenges.
- Assesses the functioning of various EU-sponsored partnerships for innovation.
- Analyses the role played by EU financial instruments and budgetary guarantees in support to innovation.
- Analyses the approach to innovation financing in the Commission´s MFF 2021-2027 proposals.
study was originally published on the European Parliament’s website. Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and the publisher is given prior notice and sent a copy.
Read the full paper here