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Chapter 5: Legal migration

Migration / BOOK
Kees Goenendijk

Date: 11/12/2019

Kees Groenendijkr provides a comprehensive overview of the EU’s legislative progress in the area of legal migration since the 1999 Tampere Council conclusions. He calls for a better implementation of the legislation already in place, including through a stronger position-taking and monitoring by the European Commission. Other recommendations include enabling the intra-EU mobility of lawfully resident third-country nationals after two years of lawful residence in a member state. Such opportunities should not be limited to highly-skilled workers only. 

This chapter is part of the publication ‘From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0: Towards a new European consensus on migration’, which takes stock of the EU’s migration and asylum policies 20 years after the historic 1999 Tampere European Council conclusions. It argues that solidarity and the implementation of common policies are the two building blocks for a new European consensus on migration. The book is the final result of a year-long research project conducted by the European Policy Centre together with Odysseus Academic Network, European Migration Network Finland and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.    

Read here by Kees Goenendijk 

Photo credits:
Monica Seppänen

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