Michele Galli
Visiting Research Fellow in the SPFE Programme
Michele Galli is a Visiting Research Fellow in the Sustainable Prosperity for Europe programme working on agrifood policies and the sustainability transitions. His focus areas encompass European and multilateral agricultural, climate, and biodiversity policies as well as the just transition to sustainable agrifood systems in the EU and abroad.
Michele’s engagement in the EPC stems from a fellowship programme funded by the
School for Moral Ambition. His work builds upon his academic background in international environmental law and policy as well as his work trajectory in international cooperation. Before joining the EPC, Michele has advised many multilateral agencies, bilateral organizations, and INGOs on rural development, climate change, and nature conservation issues in more than 25 countries of Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia. He has led several international expert teams to design and implement development strategies, policies, and programs, including across multiple continents.
Michele is an advocate for social, economic, and environmental justice on a mission to drive impactful change at the EU policy level.