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Beyond ’91 – Portrait of the Post-Perestroika Generation

Stories of the tumultuous post-Soviet era come to Brussels in this cross-border photo exhibition

More than 25 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Beyond ’91 – Portrait of the Perestroika Generation showcases the work of 14 young journalists, photographers and filmmakers who tell the story of the tumultuous changes of the post-Soviet era. The exhibition takes shape as a series of seven multimedia pieces, which portray cross-border stories from Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.

The final few years of the Soviet Union brought not only a wind of change but also an unexpected baby boom. As the Soviet Union steadily imploded, these so-called Perestroika babies were growing up on the other side of the Iron Curtain. As such, their transition to adulthood runs parallel to post-Soviet society’s own chaotic transition. They quickly had to learn what freedom meant in an era of accelerated capitalism and accept that the countries of their birth no longer existed.

Following Beyond the Curtain (2015) and Balkans and Beyond (2016), Beyond ’91 – Portrait of the Perestroika Generation (2017), Cafébabel’s third cross-border editorial project embodies how transnational journalism contributes to the creation of a real European public sphere. Following stops in Berlin and S?ubice, the best photographs from the project will be displayed at Philanthropy House in Brussels before moving on to Paris.e

All of the feature reports are available in seven languages via

Assembled by Cafébabel and hosted by the European Foundation Centre, this exhibition was brought to Brussels by Connecting Europe, a joint initiative of the Stiftung Mercator and the European Policy Centre. Other supporters include: Advocate Europe, Allianz Kulturstiftung, CLB Berlin, Franco-German Youth Office, n-ost and Philanthropy House.


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