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Policy Dialogue
Carbon farming: What role can it play in reaching net-zero?

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Wednesday, 12 February 2025
 14:00 - 16:00

European Policy Centre

Rue du Trône 14-16, 1000 Brussels
EPC Conference Centre
3rd Floor



Christian Holzleitner
Head of Unit, Low Carbon Solutions: Land Economy & Carbon Removals, DG CLIMA, European Commission
Edwin Michiels
Vice Chair, Working Party on the Environment, COPA COGECA
Krystyna Springer
Senior Policy Analyst, Land Use and Climate, Institute for European Environmental Policy 
Luc Vernet
Secretary General, Farm Europe Think Tank
Thomas Schilling
Managing Director, BASF Digital Farming


Stefan Sipka
Head of the Sustainable Prosperity for Europe Programme, European Policy Centre

The European Policy Centre is delighted to invite you to this in-person Policy Dialogue organised with the support from BASF.
The agriculture sector accounts for 11% of EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, demonstrating an urgent need to implement sustainable farming practices. One of them is carbon farming which removes CO2 by storing it in soil and plants. Yet, carbon farming is not without complexities. Currently, measuring soil carbon sequestration is challenging and some carbon farming practices may result in risks for biodiversity. Furthermore, there are concerns that increasing extreme weather could potentially reverse CO2 storage. Addressing these issues will require an enabling EU policy framework, coupled with the right investments and the scale-up of innovative solutions, including digital tools. These efforts will be critical to leverage the potential of carbon farming to support climate action, while benefiting European farmers in the process.
This Policy Dialogue will explore the state of play, challenges, and opportunities in using carbon farming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the European agriculture sector. It will discuss how the EU’s policies, digital tools and investments can support carbon farming and how these could be further enhanced during the new institutional cycle and in the run-up to the post-2027 CAP negotiations.
Participation is open to EPC members, media, and EU officials

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