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Policy Dialogue
Crisis and cohesion in the European Union – A ten-year perspective

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

European cohesion appears to be under stress after a long decade of crises and strife. But the EU as a political project also showed remarkable resilience in the face of potentially existential threats, such as the migration and sovereign debt crises. This begs the question what it is exactly that keeps EU member states and European citizens together. In a quest to find an answer and quantify levels of cooperation in Europe, the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) has developed the EU Cohesion Monitor. This index shows the readiness for joint action of the 28 Member States of the European Union. At this Policy Dialogue, Josef Janning, Senior Policy Fellow at ECFR, presented the second edition of the EU Cohesion Monitor 2018, and discussed how the cohesion landscape of European society has changed over the past ten years. His presentation was followed by a panel debate featuring Danuta Maria Hübner, Member of European Parliament, and Alberto Alemanno, Co-founder of The Good Lobby.

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