This on-line Policy Dialogue explored how digitalisation can enable the transition to a sustainable
circular economy, including the role of EU instruments. It marked the final event of the
EPC Task Force on a ‘Digital Roadmap for
a Circular Economy’ and the launch of the project’s final publication: The
circular economy: Going digital.
Based on the project’s findings, Stefan Šipka, EPC Policy Analyst, outlined that digitalisation can support the circular
economy by: 1) improving knowledge, connections and information sharing 2) making
business models, products and processes more circular and 3) strengthening the
roles of citizens and consumers. The EU needs to steer the process by
conducting a digital review of the sustainability transition and a
sustainability review of the circular economy transition.
Speakers recognised existing opportunities and stressed the need to
ensure that information is shared with the right people and linked to products e.g.
via a digital product passport. A proper architecture and governance is needed to
ensure both data sharing and data protection coupled with further investments
in the digital infrastructure, and research and innovation. Digitalisation can help
achieve climate neutrality and foster dematarialisation. There is also a clear
business case as data and digitally-enabled solutions can support industrial
modernisation and customisation of products and services.
There was general agreement that the EU needs to strengthen its role as
a leader regarding the twin transition (sustainability and digital transformation).
The European Commission’s work on these areas is now more coherent and coordinated,
and Ilias Iakovidis, Adviser for Societal Challenges in the Commission’s DG CNECT, thanked the EPC for leading the way on aligning the two agendas.
The EPC would like to thank the Partners - Aalto University and the
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) (members of Helsinki EU Office), Central Denmark region, EIT
Climate-KIC, the Estonian Ministry of the Environment, Estonian Environment
Investment Centre, HP, Orgalim – Europe’s Technology Industries, the province
of Limburg and UL, Fondazione Cariplo and Cariplo Factory - for their
support for the ‘Digital Roadmap for a Circular Economy’ project.