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Policy Dialogue
Integrated care: Tackling fragmentation for more patient-centred and sustainable healthcare

Thursday, 28 June 2018

The rising burden of chronic diseases and multi-morbid conditions poses significant challenges to European healthcare systems. In Europe, approximately one in four people has at least one chronic condition and an estimated 50 million people live with multiple chronic conditions. In all EU member states, integrated care models are being developed as a possible solution to the growing needs of multi-morbid and long-term care patients. The State of Health in the EU 2017 also highlights that integration of care can contribute to the overall sustainability and efficiency of health systems, not least by tackling the fragmentation of services. This CHES Policy Dialogue looked into the opportunities stemming from the development of integrated care models, while also reflecting on the challenges of the scaling-up process and the replication of successful experiences across Europe. Speakers also discussed how EU financial instruments could promote the development and implementation of integrated care models.

Speakers included: Hans Martens, Chair of CHES and Senior Advisor, European Policy Centre, Leo Lewis, Senior Fellow, International Foundation for Integrated Care, Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General, AGE Platform Europe, Luk Zelderloo, Secretary General, European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities, Loukianos Gatzoulis, Policy Analyst, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission.

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