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Breakfast Policy Briefing
The road to 2050: Assessing the energy prospects for a low-carbon economy

Friday, 15 June 2018

Whilst the EU completes its review of the energy and climate legislation to bring it in line with its 2030 climate targets, the focus of climate and energy policy is now shifting towards the long term. The European Commission was mandated by the Council to review its climate roadmap to 2050, against a background of technological developments that have cut the costs of renewable energy development and an increasingly uncertain environment for international cooperation on climate and energy. At this Policy Dialogue, Equinor Chief Economist Eirik Wærness outlined the future perspectives for energy in Europe and globally. A panel of experts discussed the prospects for energy, focusing on the different potential pathways for global energy demand, as well as patterns for the energy transition.

Speakers included: Megan Richards, Director for Energy Policy, DG Energy, European Commission, Tom Brookes, Director, European Climate Foundation.

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