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Georg Riekeles
Associate Director and Head of Europe's Political Economy programme
Georg Emil Riekeles is Associate Director at the European Policy Centre.

Before joining the EPC, Georg served as diplomatic adviser to EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier during the four years of Brexit negotiations with the UK. He was in charge of relations with EU member states and the European Parliament during the withdrawal negotiations, and then took on responsibility for strategy and communication during the negotiations on the future partnership.

Previously, Georg was an adviser for security and defence at the European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC), the European Commission’s in-house think tank. In that capacity, he worked helped initiate and develop significant new Commission initiatives in the areas of defense as part of President Juncker’s programme, and worked on EU-NATO relations.

Georg also served as member of cabinet to Commission Vice-President and Commissioner Michel Barnier in the period 2010-2014, working on digital and single market reforms, as well as inter-institutional relations in the context of the post-financial crisis regulatory agenda.

Before moving to Belgium, Georg worked in ministerial cabinets at the French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the French Ministry of Foreign and European affairs, as well as in the private and non-profit sectors in France.

Georg holds a master’s degree in political science from l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, and studied economics and philosophy at the London School of Economics.

Besides Belgium and France, Georg has lived in the UK and the US. He is of Norwegian nationality and grew up in Oslo.

Georg enjoys skiing, cycling and the outdoors.


Europe’s Political Economy


Areas of expertise

International negotiations, trade, EU’s international role, security and defense, single market, digital policies, EU governance and interinstitutional relations, future of Europe

Current positions


Diplôme de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po)
BSc Philosophy and Economics, London School of Economics


French, English, Norwegian, Italian, German (basics)



Competitiveness / DISCUSSION PAPER
Towards a competitive edge: Reforming the EU regulatory framework
By Georg Riekeles , Philipp Lausberg , Miguel Otero-Iglesias , Agustín González-Agote - 17/04/2024
Economic governance / EXTERNAL PUBLICATION
Hidden champions, missed opportunities: Mid-caps’ crucial roles in Europe’s economic transition
By Georg Riekeles , Philipp Lausberg , Laurent Maurin , Julie Delanote , Huyen Tran - 26/01/2024
General news / NEWS
Christmas message from the EPC's Management Team
By Fabian Zuleeg , Maral Bedrossian , Ricardo Borges de Castro , Georg Riekeles , Emma Woodford , Elizabeth Kuiper , Janis Emmanouilidis - 21/12/2023
AI won’t be safe until we rein in Big Tech
By Georg Riekeles , Max von Thun - 22/11/2023


Transatlantic affairs / INTERVIEW
Biden’s climate plan strains trade ties with Europe
Georg Riekeles was interviewed by CNN Business on the transatlantic economic partnership, the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act, and the likelihood of a US - EU trade war.

Read the full article here.

Biden’s climate plan strains trade ties with Europe
06 December 2022 - ,
CNN Business

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