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Associate Director and Head of the Social Europe and Well-being programme
EU politics (including The Netherlands); social policies and healthcare, the nexus between pharmaceutical policy and economic security, gender- and diversity issues and sustainability.


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Digitalisation / PUBLICATION
Unpacking the EU’s plan on dig
The publication contributes to the debate on the transformation of health and care in the European Digital Single Market. It focuses on the need to develop a comprehensive approach that takes into account data protection and security, the development of digital infrastructures, and the need for education and trust.

01 May 2018 - ,

Health & healthcare / EXPERT ROUNDTABLE
Drug shortages in Europe
Claire Dhéret moderated a breakfast debate on medicine shortages in Europe organised by the German Medical Association and the German Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians.

23 January 2020 - ,

Health & healthcare / QUOTE
Coronavirus: What EU can and can't do
Simona Guagliardo is quoted at EU observer on what the EU can and can't do in the ongoing coronavirus crisis. Read the article here

25 March 2020 - ,

Health & healthcare / QUOTE
Pourquoi l'Union européenne en fait si peu dans la lutte contre le coronavirus
Simona Guagliardo is quoted at Slate magazine on the role of the EU in the ongoing coronavirus crisis. Read the article here (in French)

25 March 2020 - ,

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